blog上貼photo : main menu 有"編輯版面", then blog 標題處 right hand corner 有"編輯", select "背景" then you can upload the photo or use the photo already in your album. background : "編輯版面" 外觀-->完全自訂, -->全網誌-->背景圖像, 可upload photo hope my steps are correct as i also found it's difficult at the begining!!
blog上貼photo : main menu 有"編輯版面", then blog 標題處 right hand corner 有"編輯", select "背景" then you can upload the photo or use the photo already in your album. background : "編輯版面" 外觀-->完全自訂, -->全網誌-->背景圖像, 可upload photo hope my steps are correct as i also found it's difficult at the begining!!
ReplyDelete我果張係graphic design website download個icon然後轉做pattern。 平時你download到鐘意的相都可以做banner,不過我吾係expert都係留返俾電腦達人解釋
ReplyDelete唔白痴唔白痴, 我都試過咁既情況! Blog background: click編輯版面->click外觀->click完全自定模式->全網誌->背景圖像->click請選擇 (係到選你想放既photo) Blog標題: click編輯版面->係blog標題最右手邊會出左細字"編輯", click佢->背景->從電腦上傳圖像
ReplyDelete你好, ^^ 請問, 是否現在還需要人情箱呢?! ^^
其實我都搞左好耐, 唔係好肯定係咪咁整, 我係upload左張相之後, 再用張相做背景!
ReplyDelete我仲有,請或致電51046882 Kiki Lee
ReplyDeleteI have two article teach how to insert background pic and heading banner ar. Hope can help you